Thursday, October 21, 2010

Darwin memories

Boxes everywhere! It's not long now that Gina and I will be returning to Melbourne. Tomorrow we are having a garage sale and next week we're moving to stay with some friends of ours for a couple of weeks before hitting the road.

I'm looking forward to stopping in the Adelaide Hills (although having listened to the news today, I'm not sure they will let us in). The wineries and giant glasses of German beer really tickled my fancy last time I was there, and G is excited about visiting Beerenburg, the manufacturer of all her favourite condiments.

It's going to be great seeing you more often when I'm living down there. Exciting little snapshots keep flashing in my minds eye of things to do in Melbourne. Next year is likely to be a leaner year than this one, with both Gina and I studying, but we've been living high and mighty for quite a while now.

Here's a few pictures of things I will miss about Darwin. Actually, there are many more than this. It's a good thing to be leaving town on a high note.

Sublime skylines.

The daily news.

The colours.

The local music scene.

Lots of love:


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